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Training and events

New Users

All new users of Kelvin-2 are encouraged to take this 90-minutes training course. It introduces the basic concepts and gives examples of how to use the cluster.

The HPC Team will deliver this training once a month.


In order to get a basic understanding of how the cluster works, we suggest that users to have a working knowledge of the basic Linux commands. Some basic Linux tutorials and cheat sheets can be found on the web:

Please reach out to a member of the team if you need any more support.


Upcoming Trainings

Events Description Date Time Location
GPU programming with HIP AMD GPU programming 24/03/2025 - 26/03/2025 10:00 - 16:00


Introduction to Modern Fortran Fortran Programming 24/03/2025 - 25/03/2025 09:30 - 16:30

Imperial College London


Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 26/03/2025 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
The Science behind the Image Competition - 3   26/03/2025 14:00 - 15:00


More details and join link

Green software use on HPC   1/04/2025  10:00 - 15:30 BST


Join waiting list

Towards exascale sparse linear algebra in Rust   09/04/2025 15:00 - 16:00 BST More details and join link
High Performance Algorithms for the Computation of the Hardy Function - Dissemination & Development   23/04/2025 15:00 - 16:00 BST More details and join link
Modern C++ for Computational Scientists   23/04/2025 - 24/04/2025 09:30 - 16:00 BST



Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 30/04/2025 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Green software use on HPC   13/05/2025 10:00 - 15:30 BST

G.03 Bayes Centre, Edinburgh


AMD MI300 Series Hackathon   27/05/2025 - 29/05/2025 10:00 - 16:00


Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 28/05/2025 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 25/06/2025 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 30/07/2025 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 27/08/2025 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 24/09/2025 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 29/10/2025 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Kelvin Training A Brief Intro to Kelvin2. 26/11/2024 11:00am Join Microsoft Teams Meeting






































Always Open Online Courses

Message-Passing Programming with MPI

Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP

Hands-on Introduction to HPC